Did you know that there are procedures required by the government for changing your car’s paint colour in Malaysia?


Ever felt like driving in a car that stands out from the crowd? Have you seen how those cars with fancy or unique colour gather the attention of the crowd? If you have ever thought of applying a different car paint colour on your car, be sure to lodge a report with the JPJ after the colour change!


The procedure is rather simple and easy! Here are some insights shared by a fellow SM1JPJ member that can be used as a guidance without the need to go through any third parties that requires a fee to get the job done!


1. Paint it first

Get your car painted to your heart’s content first! The good news is, there is no restriction on the range of colour that can be applied on your car. Seen those cars that are in shades of pink, orange or even purple? You may as well! Go ahead and be daring and adventurous with the colour choices!


2. Visit JPJ Centre

Once you are done with giving your car a new coating of car paint, you can now register your car with the JPJ. One important thing to note is that your car should not be coated with more than 2 different colours! You may risk losing hundreds or even thousands that you have spent on getting your car the new bling when JPJ rejects your application!


3. Fill in the form

When you get to JPJ centre, just fill up the given form with the details of your car and hand it in to the officers at the counter. That is all of the paperwork that is involved. Pretty easy isn’t it? It doesn’t end here though!


4. Inspecting the car

After you have handed over the completed form, the office will then need to inspect your car to ensure that you do not violate any rules regarding car colour limitations (see tip number 2 again!).


5. Seal of approval

If the office is satisfied with the car colour change, he or she will update the system with the newly applied car colour, as well as cancelling the original colour of your car on your car’s grant and stamp it with the JPJ’s seal of approval. At this point, you are done! Congratulations on the new car colour change!


Aside from paying for the car colour change at the workshop, registering with JPJ for the car colour change will not cost you anything! That is all that you need to know about the proper procedure to get your car registered with JPJ after a change of colour! Share this with your friends today!